Dice Cassandra que es de la mitad del libro.
"Will miró a Jem. Sus ojos eran más azules que el azul, sus mejillas enrojecidas. Él dijo, "Entonces has perdido tu tiempo."
Jem le devolvió la mirada. "Dios te maldiga", dijo, y golpeó a Will en la cara, haciéndolo girar. É ...l no perdió el equilibrio, pero fue a parar contra el lateral del carro, su mano en la mejilla. Su boca estaba sangrando. Miró a Jem con total asombro.
"Haz que entre en el carro", dijo Jem a Tessa, y dio media vuelta y volvió a atravesar la puerta roja - a pagar lo que fuera que Will había tomado, pensó Tessa. Will todavía estaba siguiéndolo con la mirada.
"¿James?", Dijo."
"Will looked at Jem. His eyes were bluer than blue, his cheeks flushed. He said, “Then you have wasted your time.”
Jem stared back at him. “God damn you,” he said, and hit Will across the face, sending him spinning. He didn’t lose his footing, ...but fetched up against the side of the carriage, his hand to his cheek. His mouth was bleeding. He looked at Jem with total astonishment.
“Get him into the carriage,” Jem said to Tessa, and turned and went back through the red door — to pay for whatever Will had taken, Tessa thought. Will was still staring after him.
“James?” he said."
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